How to enlarge your penis with soda

According to psychologists, the size of the male organ is one of the main sources of male complexes. A small penis not only causes constant mental stress, but also worsens the quality of sexual life. To make their penis longer and more elastic, many men are willing to resort to various means, including surgery. However, the problem can be solved more humanely - to enlarge the penis with soda.

This popular folk method eliminates the need to resort to expensive surgeries or to use widely advertised gels and creams of dubious origin. It can be used at home and with proper use the result will be noticeable quite quickly.

Does baking soda help increase male dignity?

Before thinking about penis enlargement, it is worth considering the feasibility of such a procedure. Doctors say that the definition of "small" refers to the phallus, the length of which does not exceed 10 cm in an upright position. If the member is smaller than 10 cm, then it is better to seek medical help - in this case the increase in male dignityIt is only possible through surgery. Do not think that baking soda will become a "panacea" that can solve the problem of size in a second. The principle of action of NaHCO3 is different - it thins the blood, increasing its supply to all parts of the body. The use of sodium bicarbonate should be combined with massage exercises: during the massage the liquefied blood enters the cavernous bodies of the penis, stimulating the increased blood circulation.

Thus, sodium bicarbonate as an independent component can in no way affect the change in the "size" of the penis. Baking soda effectively helps only in combination with massage or the technique of "tightening" (circumference of the base of the penis in an upright position). Please note that the first effect will be short-lived (only a few hours), so be patient and continue the procedure until you get the desired results.

lumping and enlarging a cock with soda

In addition to the growth of the phallus, baking soda has proven itself well in the treatment of balanoposthitis, a disease accompanied by inflammation of the head and leaves of the foreskin. This disease leads to cessation of sexual activity, so it should be treated when the first symptoms are detected. With the help of soda you can eliminate inflammation by taking soda-iodine baths.

Recipe with baking soda to enlarge the male organ

There are three ways to use baking soda to change the size of the penis - massages, baths, compresses. Let's look at the recipes in more detail.


A procedure that allows you to achieve maximum efficiency from the use of powder. For the massage it is necessary to first increase the blood flow and to warm the tissues well.

  • Moisten a small piece of soft material with warm water, wrap it around the phallus and hold the lotion for 5-7 minutes;
  • Mix baking soda with water until a smooth paste is obtained;
  • Now go directly to the massage: all movements should be aimed at stretching the lingam; in the process of stretching you need to rub a pasty mixture of soda into the skin.

The duration of the massage is no more than 5-10 minutes, no more than once a day.

Soda bath

The member can be immersed in a small container with a warm soda solution. For a glass of liquid - 1 teaspoon of the substance.

The second option is more effective:

  • Dissolve 1, 5-2 packs of baking soda in a warm bath;
  • Take a bath for 30-50 minutes;
  • If discomfort (weakness, dizziness, etc. ) occurs, stop the procedure.

In addition to the positive effect on men's health, such a bath will also help cleanse the body of toxins, improve the condition of the skin and cure small inflammations on the skin.


  • Take a glass of warm water and stir 4 tbsp. l. baking soda;
  • Dip a bandage or gauze into the prepared solution, then tightly apply the compress on the penis for 25-35 minutes.

Olive oil and baking soda for penis enlargement

Olive oil replaces water in the preparation of massage paste: when mixed with bicarbonate, use olive oil instead of warm water. The use of such a paste is suitable not only for enlarging the male organ, but also helps to increase blood circulation in the corpora cavernosa. The procedure nourishes the skin of the phallus with useful substances, making it firmer and more elastic.

Soda and cream "Star" for penis enlargement

Many men prefer to use "combined" recipes in which the powder is combined with other ingredients to enhance the effect. A good medicine will be a mixture of soda and cream, the main component of which will be the well-known ointment Zvezdochka. Its essential oils normalize the condition of the skin, stimulate blood circulation and have a healing effect. To prepare the cream:

  • Mix baking soda with warm water until you get a creamy paste;
  • Add a little "Asterisk" to the table (approximately the size of a match head). Mix everything well again;
  • Spread the resulting mass with soft massaging movements, as if "rubbing" it into the skin.

If a burning sensation or other discomfort occurs, stop the massage and rinse the mixture with very warm water.

Honey and soda for penis enlargement

Honey is a universal product widely used in folk medicine. In addition to health and cosmetic procedures, it is actively used to enlarge the reproductive organ.

The recipe for a penis product with honey soda looks like this:

  • Baking soda is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1/2 (1 tablespoon of powder to 2 tablespoons of honey). It is best to take a fresh product in the form of a homogeneous mass without lumps and sugar;
  • The ingredients are mixed thoroughly until completely dissolved;
  • The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the penis, leaving for 10 minutes;
  • After the procedure, rinse the composition with warm water;
  • Put on loose underwear and try to lie down for 30-40 minutes. at rest.
male enlarged penis with soda

Soda for male organ augmentation - reviews

  • Male, 34 years old. Until recently, I did not believe that such a method was real. It turned out that yes! I used honey and soda ointment, after 2 weeks I noticed a slight improvement. I will continue, I want to try to take extra soda baths.
  • Male, 28 years old. For a long time I didn't believe the reviews on the internet until I decided to try it myself. It turns out that baking soda really helps to deal with small sizes. It is true that it was not possible to achieve special results, but the penis increased by 2 cm in three weeks.
  • Male, 45 years old. Many people say that you can enlarge the male organ with baking soda. I have been using this tool for a week now, I did not notice the result.